Dr. Julia Kleen
Dr. Julia Kleen specializes in both employment law and sports law.
On the one hand, Julia advises and represents companies, managing directors and private individuals in all matters of individual and collective employment law.
In sports law, Julia advises and represents associations, federations and clubs and assists them in particular with the drafting and adaptation of their rules and regulations as well as in the area of contract drafting.
In addition, Julia advises athletes of all sports in amateur and competitive sports, for example on sports employment law issues, questions in connection with doping controls and sanctions as well as all questions relating to sponsoring and license agreements.
Another focus of her advisory work is occupational accident insurance law.
Julia is a lecturer in sports law at the Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland (ALSS).
Areas of law
Employment law
Sports law
Sports association and sports arbitration proceedings
Accident insurance law (professional sport)
Association law
Professional Background
Lawyer SKALING Partners
Specialist lawyer course in employment law
Partner in a boutique law firm specializing in employment law
Self-employed lawyer, Düsseldorf
PhD, University of Cologne, anti-doping
Legal clerkship, OLG Cologne (including Bird & Bird, São Paulo Chamber of Foreign Trade)
Research Assistant, Institute for Employment and Commercial Law, University of Cologne, European Center for Liberal Professions
Law studies Cologne
Basketball player, 2nd national league and youth national team
Memberships/ activities in organized sport
German Association for Sports Law (DVSR)
Sports Law Working Group of the DAV
International Sports Lawyers Association (ISLA)
Associate member of the arbitration tribunal of European Athletics (EAA-Court)
Member of the Arbitration Court of the German Basketball League (easyCredit BBL, first division)
Member of the Claims Committee of the German Basketball Association (DBB)
Publication / presentations
Sports law "long-running issue" and criticism of the NADA system - the Vuskovic case, Zeitschrift für Sport und Recht 2023, pp. 208-214.
Commentary on eSports law, in: Maties (ed.), Stichwortkommentar zum eSport-Recht, Nomos, keyword "Arbeitsvertrag"; together with Prof. Dr Martin Schimke, LL.M. (2023)
"Demokratie in Sportverbänden", lecture at the Symposium Sportpolitik 2022 of the State Chancellery of NRW and the DSHS Cologne
Sport arbitration and competition law: Long-awaited verdict of the Federal Constitutional Court gives Pechstein new hope, Kluwer Competition Law Blog (2022)
Perspectives on national and international anti-doping measures. International law options for centralising the fight against doping at international level (dissertation), Mohr Siebeck; reviewed by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Streinz, in: Zeitschrift für Sport und Recht 2021, p. 51.
Judgement note on BGH, Urt. v. 7 December 2017 - IX ZR 49/16, Düsseldorf; together with Prof. Dr Martin Henssler, Commercial and Banking Law, 2019, p. 94.
Doc Morris III and the effects on the German prohibition of third-party and multiple ownership, together with Prof. Dr Martin Henssler and Dr Andreas Riegler, Europäische Zeitschrift für Zivilrecht 2017, pp. 723-729.
Big Brother sends his regards - Data Retention the Second!, together with Dr Andreas Riegler, Ad Legendum 2017, pp. 59-65.
Effects of data retention on the professional secrecy of doctors and lawyers, together with Prof Dr Martin Henssler and Dr Andreas Riegler, Medizinrecht 2016, p. 850.
Free prices for liberal professions?, together with Prof. Dr Anne Schäfer and Dr Andreas Riegler, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2015, pp. 3404-3409.